Khandaker Abu Talha MBBS, MCPS (Surgery), MPH, MS (Neurosurgery), Diploma in Clinical Research (Canada) Associate Professor and Head, Neurosurgery Department, Sylhet Women’s Medical College, Sylhet 3100, Bangladesh.
Introduction: Clinical skills laboratory (CSL) is a type of medical educational tool which proved its beneficial effect in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. CSL provides a safe and protected facility to the learner in which they can practice the procedures before applying it on real patient. The CSL includes physical examination, procedural training, history-taking, building team work, effective communication and learning professionalism.1 This teaching tool was first started in the Netherlands Limburg University of Maastrich in the year of 1976. After that the Universities of Liverpool, Dublin, Dundee, Southampton, Imperial College and Leeds have incorporated CSL in their medical curriculum. In the Asia, United Arab Emirates University first established CSL in their curriculum in the year of 1988.2