*Pew ND1, Hye AQM A2, Bari MZJ3, Roy S4, Choudhury RA5, Bhattacharjee B6, Patwary MI7.
Background: The commonest manifestation of pleural pathology is pleural effusion. Most of the time, in spite of routine biochemical and cytological examination of pleural fluid we can’t evaluate the etiology of pleural effusion.
Aim: Aim of present study was to make an etiological diagnosis of exudative pleural effusion by pleural biopsy and histopathological examination.
Study design and setting: Fifty consecutive patients of pleural effusion were selected from the outpatient and indoor department of a tertiary medical college hospital in Sylhet. It was a prospective and observational study. It was conducted over a period of one and a halfyears.
Material and method: In all the cases, cytological examination of pleural fluid (for malignant cell) and pleural biopsy by Abram’s needle were done. Subsequently, histopathological diagnoses were made to determine the etiology of effusion.
Results: Out of 50 subjects, males outnumbered females, Age is ranged between 19 and 85 years. According to the histopathological examination of the submitted pleural biopsy specimen, granulomatous inflammation is the most common etiology (40%) followed by chronic inflammation of non-specific origin (38%) and malignancy (22%).
Conclusion: This study represents the result of the experience acquired over one and half years in the histopathological interpretation of pleural biopsies and its correlation with cytology of the pleural fluid. Pleural biopsy is a useful, minimally invasive procedure with no or little complication and has more sensitivity and specificity than pleural fluid cytology smears.