Volume 14

Number 2 July 2024
Study on Finger Ridge Pattern of Palmar Dermatoglyphics and their Association of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladeshi Population.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47648/jswmc2024v14-02-100

*Jannat M, Ahmad H, Haque ASMM, Md. Chowdhury MS, Chowdhury PA, Chowdhury R


The skin on the palmar surface of human hands & the planter surface of the feet differ from skin found also where on the body. The projection of dermal papillae which are interdigitate with epidermal evagination, is called epidermal ridges. By the 17thweek of intrauterine life, these ridges are permanent and remain unchanged throughout life, with the exception of a little increase in size that coincides with growth. Thus, it is quite helpful to predict various genetically acquired disorders. Diabetes mellitus is a condition of partial genetic background. The objective of this study was to determine whether type II diabetes mellitus in Bangladeshi people was associated with a certain finger ridge pattern. This observational cross sectional study was conducted in Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College from July 2018 to June 2019. A total of 200 subjects were included; among them, 100 were diagnosed patients of type II DM and the rest were healthy individuals. The age and sex of the research participants were matched between the groups under investigation. The ink and paper method was used for making a print of the finger. A mounted hand lens was used to examine the prints. The distribution of finger ridge pattern between the diabetics and controls showed that the ulnar loops (p = 0.003) and whorls (p = 0.001) were significantly higher in diabetic group; whereas arches (p = <0.001) and radial loops (p = <0.001) were found to be significantly higher in control group. The study came to the conclusion that type II DM has the unique characteristics of the finger ridge distribution patterns in palmar dermatoglyphics, it can be employed as a reliable screening method for type II DM early diagnosis.